6 Essential Oil Set
LEMONGRASS: Used for centuries in folk medicine practice, Lemongrass has been shown to deter insects, help keep germs at bay, and sooth an overactive mind.
TEA TREE: Tea Tree oil has been used to help with skin ailments. It helps clear acne, soothe scores, fight foot odors and much more.
LAVENDER: Commonly known for its relaxing benefits, it is also highly regarded for the skin. It is used to cleanse cuts, bruises, skin irritations and more.
EUCALYPTUS: Eucalyptus essential oil has antiseptic qualities, it is used for healing wounds ulcers, burns and cuts.
PEPPERMINT: With its cooling and calming benefits, Peppermint can be used for a variety of health conditions. It soothes nausea, stomach issues, and cools overworked muscles.
SWEET ORANGE: Popular in aromatherapy, Sweet Orange helps eliminate cigarette smoke and other bad odours. It is also used in many household cleaning products.